Arts & Exhibitions
2014 | “Striker” game – created 3D mechs and character setup for a multiplayer 2.5D side scrolling shooting game for web platform using the Unity game engine |
2012 | Design a virtual set for TWAG, daily TV news for Governors State University |
2011 | “Laura” Recline pose, Charcoal drawing on paper, The 2011 Faculty Exhibit, The Illinois Institute of Art –Chicago, Gallery 350, Chicago, October 11th – November 29th |
2011 | Animation judge and curator for 3D Modeling exhibition for Illinois Institute of Art at Chicago’s annual FAME Show (Fashion and Media Extravaganza) in Harris Theater, Chicago |
2011 | Curator for MAA/GAD student art works, Student Gallery Show. April 2011 |
2010 | “Female Torso Study” Digital Sculpture in ZBrush, Faculty Show 2010, The Illinois Institute of Art –Chicago, Gallery 350, Chicago, October 14 – December 2, 2010. |
2009 | “Dana” Charcoal drawing on paper“Laura” Recline pose, Charcoal drawing on paper
“Hand” Cast Drawing School of Representational Art Group Show, Chicago, June, 2009. |
2009 | “Dana” Charcoal drawing on paper, Perspectives – an exhibition of the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago faculty, Gallery 350, Chicago, April 28- June 5, 2009. |
2006 | Showcased in e-Art: art, society and democracy in the networking age, book of Franz Fischnaller, Publisher by Editori Riuniti, Rome, Italy. Publication Date, November 2006. |
2003 | “id llusion” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Version>03:: Digital Arts Convergence, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, March 2003 |
2003 | EVL’s “Animated Heart” and “Deep Sea Exploration” were showcased using Geowall technology as part of the Virtual Reality learning lab in the SciTech Hands On Museum, Aurora IL. (Chicago Tribune article, 3-D Gives SciTech New Dimention, February 6, 2003) |
2003 | “id llusion” GeoWall virtual reality exhibition, Living Art 3, The Teaching Artists of Gallery 37, Chicago, IL, January 2003 |
2002 | Interviewed for Chicago Public Radio program “Eight Forty Eight” on the topic of electronic art |
2002 | “id llusion” CAVE virtual reality exhibit, M.F.A. thesis show, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2002 |
2002 | Designed large-scale ocean environment with coral reefs, Deep Sea and sea floor. Modeled and animated 30 different underwater species. Integrating the underwater environment into Virtual Reality World as part of a long-term research program in the first elementary school in the nation to house a semi-permanent VR installation |
2002 | Presented own digital showcase “Quick Worlds” for National Educational Computing Conference at McCormick Place in Chicago |
2001 | “Virtual Heart and Lungs” GeoWall exhibit, CAVE Programming Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2001 |
2001 | Created virtual avatars for a networked CAVE® virtual reality art piece featured at the 2001 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. “EVL: Alive on the Grid”, September 2001 |
2001 | “Dreambox” networked CAVE virtual reality exhibit, “Alternate Currents” Chicago Artists’ Month, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 2001 |
2001 | “whu-on” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Symposium on Immersive Artistic Environments, Northwestern University, Evanston, May 2001 |
2001 | “Self-Portrait” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, EVE 5, a special event for College of Art Association, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2001 |
2001 | Profiled as a new media artist in Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine, “Choose Your own Reality.” (print version) |
2000 | “Virtual Heart and Lungs,” GeoWall exhibit, SC’00, Dallas, Texas“Virtual Heart and Lungs,” ImmersaDesk exhibit, Telecom 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2000 | Produced and animated a 3D set of heart and lungs, including details of internal structures and blood flow, for the CAVE and ImmersaDesk. Press coverage includes the Chicago Sun-Times (“Virtual Learning: Oak Park School Tests New Kind of Lessons” front section, P4, 2/16/2000; “The Next Internet Unfolds,” Metro section, 6A, 5/5/2002), National Fox News and Chicago Fox News (“Going to School in Cyberspace,” 3/00) |
1999 | “Dimension” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Second Nature: An Exhibit of New Media for the New Millennium, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, May 1999 |