
Arts & Exhibitions

2014 “Striker” game – created 3D mechs and character setup for a multiplayer 2.5D side scrolling shooting game for web platform using the Unity game engine
2012 Design a virtual set for TWAG, daily TV news for Governors State University
2011 “Laura” Recline pose, Charcoal drawing on paper, The 2011 Faculty Exhibit, The Illinois Institute of Art –Chicago, Gallery 350, Chicago, October 11th – November 29th
2011 Animation judge and curator for 3D Modeling exhibition for Illinois Institute of Art at Chicago’s annual FAME Show (Fashion and Media Extravaganza) in Harris Theater, Chicago
2011 Curator for MAA/GAD student art works, Student Gallery Show. April 2011
2010 “Female Torso Study” Digital Sculpture in ZBrush, Faculty Show 2010, The Illinois Institute of Art –Chicago, Gallery 350, Chicago, October 14 – December 2, 2010.
2009 “Dana” Charcoal drawing on paper“Laura” Recline pose, Charcoal drawing on paper

“Hand” Cast Drawing

School of Representational Art Group Show, Chicago, June, 2009.

2009 “Dana” Charcoal drawing on paper, Perspectives – an exhibition of the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago faculty, Gallery 350, Chicago, April 28- June 5, 2009.
2006 Showcased in e-Art: art, society and democracy in the networking age, book of Franz Fischnaller, Publisher by Editori Riuniti, Rome, Italy. Publication Date, November 2006.
2003 “id llusion”  ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Version>03:: Digital Arts Convergence, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL, March 2003
2003 EVL’s “Animated Heart” and “Deep Sea Exploration” were showcased using Geowall technology as part of the Virtual Reality learning lab in the SciTech Hands On Museum, Aurora IL. (Chicago Tribune article, 3-D Gives SciTech New Dimention, February 6, 2003)
2003  “id llusion”  GeoWall virtual reality exhibition, Living Art 3, The Teaching Artists of Gallery 37, Chicago, IL, January 2003
2002 Interviewed for Chicago Public Radio program “Eight Forty Eight” on the topic of electronic art
2002 “id llusion” CAVE virtual reality exhibit, M.F.A. thesis show, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, May 2002
2002 Designed large-scale ocean environment with coral reefs, Deep Sea and sea floor. Modeled and animated 30 different underwater species. Integrating the underwater environment into Virtual Reality World as part of a long-term research program in the first elementary school in the nation to house a semi-permanent VR installation
2002 Presented own digital showcase “Quick Worlds” for National Educational Computing Conference at McCormick Place in Chicago
2001 “Virtual Heart and Lungs” GeoWall exhibit, CAVE Programming Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2001
2001 Created virtual avatars for a networked CAVE® virtual reality art piece featured at the 2001 Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. “EVL: Alive on the Grid”, September 2001
2001 “Dreambox” networked CAVE virtual reality exhibit, “Alternate Currents” Chicago Artists’ Month, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 2001
2001 “whu-on” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Symposium on Immersive Artistic Environments, Northwestern University, Evanston, May 2001
2001 “Self-Portrait” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, EVE 5, a special event for College of Art Association, Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2001
2001 Profiled as a new media artist in Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine, “Choose Your own Reality.” (print version)
2000 “Virtual Heart and Lungs,” GeoWall exhibit, SC’00, Dallas, Texas“Virtual Heart and Lungs,” ImmersaDesk exhibit, Telecom 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel
2000 Produced and animated a 3D set of heart and lungs, including details of internal structures and blood flow, for the CAVE and ImmersaDesk. Press coverage includes the Chicago Sun-Times (“Virtual Learning: Oak Park School Tests New Kind of Lessons” front section, P4, 2/16/2000; “The Next Internet Unfolds,” Metro section, 6A, 5/5/2002), National Fox News and Chicago Fox News (“Going to School in Cyberspace,” 3/00)
1999 “Dimension” ImmersaDesk virtual reality exhibition, Second Nature: An Exhibit of New Media for the New Millennium, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, May 1999